Branded Content

Vancouver's #1 Video Production Service For Mission-Driven Brands & Nonprofits

Short-form videos, social media content, and brand showreels that resonate with your target audience.

Our latest project

You Are Welcome Here

A series of commercials to elevate the brand of Surrey B.C. through memorable experiences that leave viewers feeling good.

Learn More
Other brand partnerships

Reaching The Top Step

Zero Emissions Building Exchange (ZebX)

Advancing climate-resilient construction

Forget Fast Fashion


Pioneering Sustainable Fashion

You Are Welcome Here

Surrey Hotel Motel Association

Capturing Surrey’s Diverse Stories

The Space Between


Where the magic happens

APEX Realtor Event

Denna Homes

Luxury live stream

Rise for Architecture

Architecture Policy of Canada Initiative

A need for better design

HCMA Brand Showreel


How do you capture an identity?

Food Memories


Food based engagement design

See More Branded Content

Why We Make Branded Content

Our content is designed to not only capture attention but also to convey your brand's values and mission effectively, ensuring that each piece of content aligns with your strategic goals.

Tailored Content Strategy

Custom content that aligns with your brand identity and audience preferences.

Multi-Platform Adaptability

Optimized for performance across various platforms including social media.

Engagement Driven

Designed to increase user interaction and brand loyalty.

Story-Driven Marketing

Utilizes the power of narrative to connect emotionally and drive conversions.

What we're asked

What kind of content should be included?

We recommend including key milestones, testimonials, and visual highlights that represent your brand’s achievements and unique qualities, tailored to appeal to your target stakeholders.

How long should our brand showreel be?

A brand showreel should be concise, typically 1-3 minutes long, to maintain viewer interest and effectively showcase your brand’s highlights without overwhelming the audience.

How do you optimize videos for social media?

We customize videos for each platform, considering factors like length, format, and engagement features specific to each site, ensuring that they perform well and reach a wide audience.

Will short videos be able to convey enough information?

Yes, we expertly craft each video to deliver your key messages efficiently. By focusing on core points and using visual storytelling, we ensure the video is both informative and impactful within a brief format.

How do you keep short videos engaging?

We use dynamic storytelling, high-quality visuals, and strategic editing to create engaging short videos that capture attention quickly and effectively convey your message.

Do you have a story that needs telling?

Get in touch